Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Clinical Testing

Menastil has been clinically tested under strict FDA guidelines.

Menastil was not tested on animals and contains no animal products.

Directions for Menstrual Cramps

At the first sign of menstrual cramps, remove the twist-off cap and apply a liberal amount of Menastil by gently rubbing the top of the self-dispensing vial on the general area of discomfort. Apply up to twice a day during menstrual cycle. Wash hands thoroughly after each use. In addition, keeping the area of discomfort warm often enhances relief.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How do I use Menastil?

For most people one application of Menastil is sufficient to provide one, two, or three pain-free days. However, some people, and some ailments require multiple applications and/or stronger solutions (a stronger formula will soon be available.)

ClearRelief's Menastil is a clear liquid that comes in a roll-on applicator. Hold the vial upside down as you roll it on clean skin at the area of discomfort.
Please remember to apply it to the area of pain AND block the pathway to the brain.
For instance: If there is pain on the hand, put a circle around the actual spot, place an X in the middle of the circle, AND go all the way around the wrist.
This way the signals of pain will be blocked from the area of discomfort to the brain, so you will find relief. When the nerves and muscles relax, more undisturbed, peaceful healing can take place.

As mentioned before, a lot of people will experience relief with only one application. But for those who don't, please don't hesitate to re-apply every two to three hours. Another option is to turn to a stronger version which will be available soon.

Adding HEAT immediately following the application has shown to increase penetration and effective pain relief.

What is the purpose of Menastil?

Some pain issues in which people have found natural safe and effective pain relief for the whole family are:

Menstrual Discomfort
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Joint Pain
Muscle Pain
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Chicken Pox
Carpel Tunnel
Tennis Elbow

You may even get positive results on acne and/or bug bites.

Please remember that for the more serious and chronic pains Menastil will probably definitely take the edge off but not provide complete relief. A stronger version of Menastil will soon be available.

A Stronger Version of Menastil

Menastil was the original temporary pain reduction product developed by Roger Salmonson and his team of research scientists. Soon a more potent solution will be available. More of the active ingredient is present, to be of aid to those with more intense or chronic pain.
For everyday aches and pains Menastil is not only sufficient but also incredibly effective.

Menastil and its newer stronger cousin are non-narcotic solutions to a painful situation!

How Does Menastil Work?

Menastil was developed by the Salmonson research team, which specializes in nerve-cell research. It targets the agitated nerve-cell communicating pain signals to the brain. They developed technology that enabled them to isolate a particle in calendula oil that interacts with the neurons by relaxing them. It easily penetrates the skin, targets the nerves, and relaxes the agitated nerve-cells, which then retract, thus seizing their ability to communicate the pain message.

Menastil Overview

Menastil works on all nerve cells of the body that are communicating pain. However, the research and clinical studies were done with regards to menstrual pain, for which it proves to be quite effective. The FDA was very pleased and was more than willing to register it.

Menastil is the original product developed by Roger Salmonson. Soon additional formulas will also be available. Among these are stronger versions with more of the active ingredient present, recommended for more intense or chronic pain.
For everyday aches and pains Menastil is ample.

Please remember to apply it to the area of pain AND block the pathway to the brain.
For instance: If there is pain on the hand, put a circle around the spot, place an X in through the middle, AND go all the way around the wrist.
This way no signals of pain will go through to the brain, and you will find relief, so relaxed healing can take place.

We Have a Winner!

The winner of our free Menastil Giveaway is Ayda!
Enjoy the benefits of Menastil!
We know you will.
It is an amazing product!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yellow Jacket Relief

Wow! Did my little chunk {child #3} have an exciting day yesterday!!!
As she was playing in the back yard she got stung by a yellowjacket on her hand! She was not very happy! To say the least!
I immediately brought her in the house and applied Menastil! {At which point she stopped crying--screaming actually} We put a cold-pack on and turned on a movie.
After the movie she said she could still feel it, but she went outside and played anyway. A half hour later I asked to see it, and we couldn't even figure out where he had stung her!!!!
I guess Menastil worked!

Friday, August 28, 2009

First Aid Kit

A bottle of Menastil should be in every first aid kit.
I keep one in my purse, and you would be surprised at how many times I pull it out!
Usually for other people.
Someone will say, "Oh, my neck hurts."
So I pull it out and apply it.
"My arthritis is bothering me."
So I pull it out and apply.
I notice someone limping. As it turns out, it's a hurt knee.
So I pull it out again.

It's nice to help people.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Free Menastil GiveAway!!!!

This is our very first Menastil give-away!
I am so excited!!!!:)
Here we go:

Would you like to have your OWN bottle of Menastil®? For free?
Now you can.
This is how:

1. On you blog, facebook, or twitter page, copy and paste the following line

Free Menastil giveaway! Read about it HERE!

Or just make sure there is a link to both this blog {}and {}

2. Leave a comment right here on this blog below this post letting us know what interests you about Menastil.
3. If you want another chance to win: post links on your facebook page, AND on your blog! {For three chances: also add a link to Twitter, or another public blog.} You get the idea!
4. Make sure you leave a comment for each posting!
5. You’re done!
6. We will close this GiveAway on midnight after Tuesday, Sept 8, 2009
That's only two weeks, so you better get goin'!!!!

We will post the winner on Wednesday September 9th, so make sure to check back!!!!
Also, don’t worry about the shipping cost; we will ship it to you free of charge {anywhere in the world! What do you think of that?}


Menastil Aint No Snake Oil

OK, so just because Menastil can treat so many different things doesn't make it "Snake oil...."
My husband says that when you list all those different ailments it makes it less believable.
Well, he's probably right. It does "sound" like that. But what they all have in common is "pain."

That's why it works for so many different things.
And it's all founded in solid science....
Clinic studies were done under strict FDA guidelines. The FDA was willing to register it. It wouldn't do that if it didn't work.
Well, it is true that the clinicals were done with regards to menstrual pain only. But it works for other pain too!
So there!

My Poor Scoliosis Back

My dear husband took me away for a couple of days for our 20th anniversary. What he didn't know is that the place where we were staying had a "cardboard" mattress! Boy, was it hard to sleep that night. I didn't know where to crawl to get comfortable. Needless to say I was in a lot of pain the next day! {I have a bit of scoliosis, so a good mattress is really important for me...} I don't know why it didn't dawn on me before, but it wasn't till the next evening as I was getting ready for bed that "Menastil" came to me. So my dear sweet husband applied Menastil in five or six large overlapping circles on my back. {This was after my shower; I was nice and clean. We heard somewhere that lotion can inhibit the molecules from penetrating properly.}
Well tell you what: the next twenty minutes it felt as if my back was on fire. {OK, maybe not quite that hot, but it was a warm sensation anyway...} But after that I was just so relaxed... I felt great and fell right asleep. The next morning I still felt great. A little stiffness, but no pain. And by the end of the day the stiffness was gone too!
Happy day!

Grandma's Arthritis

Grandma {Great-grandma, really} is 93 years old and has arthritis really bad. She'll never lead onto it. She never complains and is always loving life. However, she can't do the things she used to do of course, so we do notice.
So Jerry (her son) put some Menastil on her hands. She will tell you, "He went around my thumb and then around my wrist like this."
And it stopped hurting. Five days later she said it still didn't hurt!
This is pretty exciting stuff!!!
She immediately requested we get her a bottle.

Menastil is Easy to Like

These are some of the things I personally really like about Menastil:

It smells really good
Easy to use
Lasts a long time
Works fast
No side effects

Friday, August 21, 2009

Menastil and Headaches

Menastil works because it blocks pain communication of the nerves to the brain. In the case of headaches this specific location may be difficult to locate because the site of the pain is not necessarily the site of the issue.

These are some of the locations where people have seen results applying Menastil:

in a line under the jaw-line
behind the ears
on the temples
on the base of the neck

Feel free to try it. Unfortunately results vary and it is just a guessing game. The majority of people do say it helps.
I have tried it a few times, and it has worked for me, but I must say that I don't get headaches very often, and I don't think they are very severe. I know some people get intense headaches and migraines. A natural approach to them is heaven-sent, of course.

P.S. I am aware that some people recommend Menastil for headaches. Mr. Salmonson (the researcher and developer of Menastil) does not because results may vary, but of course many people have had positive results.

Menastil for Joint Pain?

Which product should I use for joint pain?

Good question
That probably depends on which specific joint, or the level of pain associated with it.
As a general rule, these are the recommendations:

The "smaller" joints will probably respond well to Menastil
The "larger" and "deeper" joints will probably respond better to a "stronger" product, which will soon be available.

Smaller joints would be the finger, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, etc.
Larger joints would include the shoulder and hip.

However, you may find that for you personally one or the other will work better.
Joint pain can be quite intense and will usually need several applications.
Our friend Jeff W. had someone try Menastil on his knee. When after one application his knee still hurt, the claim was made that "It doesn't work."
When in fact this person needed several applications and he would feel results within days. This was done, with a positive outcome.
Also using a stronger version would have been helpful in this incidence, and that will be an option in the near future.

Knees Feel Much Better!

My sister-in-law came to visit, and naturally we brought up the subject of Menastil to her, since we are so excited about it. She listened politely and that was about it. Then the last night she was here she said, "OK, what the heck, I'll try it on my knees," and sat down on the hearth. We told her how to apply it (one circle all the way around the leg below the knee, one above, and a line over the area of discomfort.) Then we gave her two warm wet washcloths, one to cover each knee. And there she sat for about ten minutes. We just talked about this and that, and she reported that her knees were feeling pretty hot. Then it really was time for her to go, so she got up, and got busy putting the kids in the vehicle and other mommy things like that. As we are standing outside seeing them off in the driveway, she just started jumping around and doing jumping jacks! Then she did a few lunges! She said "I normally skip these in my workout!" But now her knees did not hurt!
She was pretty excited! Menastil worked even for a person who was very leery!
The next day we called her to see how she was doing. "Great!" she said. Her knees felt better than they had for a long time.
The day after that she called back again, this time to ask how she could get a bottle! She had run up and down the stairs and noticed afterward that it had not hurt! then she did her workout, and it had gone awesome!

As a side note: For a lot of people it is beneficial to apply a second coat within the next 24 hours.
For some people one application of Menastil will be very effective for days, while for others more applications are needed. As your body gets used to being pain-free, the muscles relax, and the body can spend time "healing," rather than using energy on pain and tensing up.
We don't know what is ailing my sister-in-law. She just reports having knee pain all the time, especially while exercising.
There have been reports of people with arthritis having to apply Menastil several times a day at first, then gradually decreasing the number of applications till only one per week or less is needed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who is Claire Ellen?

Claire Ellen Products is a Research and Development Company with its origin in magnetic nano particles and nerve cell regeneration and repair. It was created in 1998 by its sole patent owner, Roger Salmonson (and his research team), and named after his mother and mother-in-law.
Not only did Salmonson's research on nerve cell growth identify a very unique molecule in an essential oil that caused nerve endings to separate, he also developed a method to distract specific molecules from their original substances. Adding a magnetic charge to these isolated molecules increased the capacity to relax nerve cells, causing nerve endings to retract.
With the ability of moving nerve cell endings apart from one another an interruption of communication takes place at the point of synapse (electrical pain impulses no longer travel to the brain). Additional essential oils were added to these unique molecules to give the formula stability, skin compatibility, and fragrance.
A female assistant at Claire Ellen tried this unique product on her abdomen at the onset of her menstrual cramps. Much to everyone's astonishment, her menstrual cramps "disappeared" within minutes after the formula was applied…. Thus the name "Menastil" came to be.
Clinical studies commenced to show its effectiveness for temporary menstrual pain relief. Its success rate was incredibly high (90%). (Interestingly enough clinical studies which show a success rate of over 50% are considered successful.)
Menastil has been registered with the FDA.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mosquito Bites

Jeff W. and his family went camping at Redfish Lake, Idaho, where they consequently ended up with some mosquito bites....
It's a good thing they are smart friends, because they immediately pulled out the vial of Menastil and touched it on the bites. Well, they were ecstatic, because ALL the discomfort associated with the bites was completely gone from then on out! No more itching! And the bites seemed to go away quickly too!
This is such exciting news. I wish I would have thought about this when we went camping a few weeks ago!!

Don't change the molecular pattern


Can I make my Menastil last longer by diluting it?
Can I dilute it in order to use it in a spray bottle?


Nope.... Diluting the formula will break up the molecule pattern, making it completely useless for its purpose of pain relief.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I don't know about you, but when I hear about a "natural" product, the first thing that comes to my mind is, "Great, but does it actually work?" And the second thought is "And what kind of natural ingredients are in it that are going to give me some nasty side effects...?"
So when my husband came home {very excited I might add} with a vial of Menastil, I kept those thoughts to myself, smiled at him, and politely told him I would try it.
Of course, you guessed it, it works. Quite well, I might add!
It is easy to use {you just apply it topically with a roll-on applicator}.
It is not messy, or sticky, or yucky or whatever else negative attribute you may visualize.
And it actually smells quite nice.
So are there negative side effects? I am happy to report that I have experienced none whatsoever!
The clinical studies that were conducted showed those same results I got: no side effects.
There were however two small concerns. One woman reported that she didn't like the smell. This issues were resolved by wiping the area of application with a warm soapy cloth ten minutes after. By then the product has penetrated and started to work .
Pretty good stuff!

Pain Treatment for Endometriosis

As most of you are well aware of, endometriosis is a medical condition in which tissue cells, similar to the lining of the uterus, grow in other areas. It causes pelvic pain, bleeding and painful menstruation.
Menastil is a product targeted specifically to help women deal with menstrual pain. For most women this works absolute wonders. However, women suffering from endometriosis or extreme menstrual pain might need something a little stronger {Soon such a product will be available through}.
My sister came to visit a few weeks ago. She reported having severe menstrual discomfort, so naturally we made sure she would have Menastil accessible for her upcoming cycle. She reported later that the pain of her cycle had been much more manageable, and that she was not debilitated through the ordeal like she normally would be. She considered the experiment a great success.
However, we would have liked to have seen her experience no pain at all or very little pain at least!
Judging by her report, she is probably one of many women that suffer from endometriosis without ever having been medically diagnosed.
The up and coming product that is soon to be released is the same product as Menastil , with the active ingredient being preent at a 36% greater concentration This is specifically developed to help people with more intense pain. { A number of people with endometriosis and fibromyalgia are currently testing it and report possitive results.}
We will make sure that soon my sister too will get a bottle of this stronger version,to help her through cycles in the future, and hope to get a positive account.


Our friend Shane came over and as he and my husband were sitting in the livingroom talking, he noticed his rubbing of hands. As it turned out he had arthritis in the joints of his fingers. So naturally my husband jumped up to get the bottle of Menastil. He applied a circle around his finger before the joint, and then another circle around the ailing location, and a third right after the joint. Lo-and-behold, a few minutes later he was quite pleased that his fingers were feeling a lot better!
The reason we applied it around the finger in a circle, before the joint, is because it keeps the nerves from giving the pain signal to the brain. It's really awesome.
We saw him in Church four days later, and the pain had not yet returned!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Menastil smells really good! I love it when someone in the house walks by, and you can smell that they just applied some. You kinda want to say, "Hmmmm. you smell good!" But , of course, you refrain, and instead say,"Oh, I smell Menastil, are you feeling OK?"
It has such a pleasant odor of mint. I love it!
Now, I hear that the peppermint essential oil was added largely to cover up the fragrance of the active ingredients: supposedly they don't smell very appealing.
The active ingredients are derived from calendula oil. In a special procedure, some specific molecules are extracted from the calendula oil and these are the ingredients that make Menastil do what it does. It penetrates the skin and relaxes the nerve cells. When these are relaxed, they no longer communicate the "pain message" and thus the brain is no longer aware of the pain. Ta-da!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Everyday Aches and Pains

Last fall my husband came home with a product called Menastil : a little bottle of clear liquid with a roll-on applicator.
He said it did wonders for women dealing with menstrual pain.
Hmmmmm. I found it very interesting that HE would come home with something like this, but I appreciated his concern and told him I'd give it a try.
So I tried it, and we tried it in our family of five.
But we didn't use it for menstrual pain very often. Most of the time we just tried it on the everyday aches and pains that we encountered:
"Mom, my neck hurts!" Menastil
"Ouch! I burned my finger." Menastil
"This zit coming up is really painful." Menastil
and so on.
Nothing spectacular at our house, because we fortunately have no cases of chronic pain. But I tell you what: everything we used it on in our household, it always worked!
And the good news is: One vial lasted about three months for our family of five!
We just applied it in a circle around the area of discomfort. {This because it disrupts communication of the nerve cells with the brain.}
I suffer some monthly menstrual discomfort {i.e. cramps}, and it worked for that too! I would apply some large circles in a chain sequence on my belly, then I'd be good for two and a half days!
Life is just easier when you don't have to deal with pain.