Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Poor Scoliosis Back

My dear husband took me away for a couple of days for our 20th anniversary. What he didn't know is that the place where we were staying had a "cardboard" mattress! Boy, was it hard to sleep that night. I didn't know where to crawl to get comfortable. Needless to say I was in a lot of pain the next day! {I have a bit of scoliosis, so a good mattress is really important for me...} I don't know why it didn't dawn on me before, but it wasn't till the next evening as I was getting ready for bed that "Menastil" came to me. So my dear sweet husband applied Menastil in five or six large overlapping circles on my back. {This was after my shower; I was nice and clean. We heard somewhere that lotion can inhibit the molecules from penetrating properly.}
Well tell you what: the next twenty minutes it felt as if my back was on fire. {OK, maybe not quite that hot, but it was a warm sensation anyway...} But after that I was just so relaxed... I felt great and fell right asleep. The next morning I still felt great. A little stiffness, but no pain. And by the end of the day the stiffness was gone too!
Happy day!

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