Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who is Claire Ellen?

Claire Ellen Products is a Research and Development Company with its origin in magnetic nano particles and nerve cell regeneration and repair. It was created in 1998 by its sole patent owner, Roger Salmonson (and his research team), and named after his mother and mother-in-law.
Not only did Salmonson's research on nerve cell growth identify a very unique molecule in an essential oil that caused nerve endings to separate, he also developed a method to distract specific molecules from their original substances. Adding a magnetic charge to these isolated molecules increased the capacity to relax nerve cells, causing nerve endings to retract.
With the ability of moving nerve cell endings apart from one another an interruption of communication takes place at the point of synapse (electrical pain impulses no longer travel to the brain). Additional essential oils were added to these unique molecules to give the formula stability, skin compatibility, and fragrance.
A female assistant at Claire Ellen tried this unique product on her abdomen at the onset of her menstrual cramps. Much to everyone's astonishment, her menstrual cramps "disappeared" within minutes after the formula was applied…. Thus the name "Menastil" came to be.
Clinical studies commenced to show its effectiveness for temporary menstrual pain relief. Its success rate was incredibly high (90%). (Interestingly enough clinical studies which show a success rate of over 50% are considered successful.)
Menastil has been registered with the FDA.

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